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Check Digit

Below you will find a tutorial teaching you about the check digit in Barcode X.

On the Barcode X software, type in your 12 digit code as usual.
Then press the OK button.
In the dialog above you will see that the code has an additional digit added to the end. This is the "check digit".
The check digit is generated automatically using a standards-based algorithm.
There will always be a check digit at the end of your code.
In the dialog above we have entered 13 digits (instead of 12, which would
have allowed for the check digit to be automatically generated).
In the dialog above, the last digit of the number we entered has been automatically replaced with the correctly calculated check digit.
You always need to account for the check digit - there will always be one at the end - and its value is calculated
from the other digits to ensure the code is correct.

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