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Barcode Add Ons

Using Barcode Add Ons with Publishing Industry Codes

On the Top Bar click on the drop down arrow to select your code.
Once you're in the drop down menu, navigate to Publishing Codes (these are the only code types to use add ons).
Selected the publishing code you need (ISBN - OCR B in this example).
The Top Bar will change to show the code type you have selected (as indicated by the red box above).
Next, type in your main code. The format will require a specific number of digits and begin with specific numbers.
Dialogs will pop up if you type a code incorrectly and advise you on how to correct the issue.
This is an example of the error dialog which appears if you have not entered the correct amount of digits.
This is an example of the error dialog which appears if you have not entered the digits which conform to the code specification.
Next input your Add On digits. These will be either two or five digits long.
We opted to use a two digit Add On in this example.
This is the barcode generated from our example.
You will see there is a second, smaller group of bars to the right of the main code.
These are generated from the two Add On digits we entered at the last stage.
This example is a barcode generated from the same main code as the previous example, but this time with a 5 digit Add On.
You will see there is a second group of bars to the right of the main code, smaller than the main code,
but larger than the group of bars generated by the previous 2 digit Add On.
Click on the Export code button.
Decide where you want to save the generated code file and, unless you want the
file name to be the code type and number, rename it and click Save.
You have now created a Barcode with an Add On.

If you encounter any issues, please email our Technical Support at

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